Priscilla from Santa Clara, CA made these delicious chocolate chip cookies that she ranked Infinity out of a scale of 10 :)
What did you make?
This is a long overdue post about some supercalifragilicious cookies I made on March 12, 2008. My oh my were they delicious! I am hoping they are not a fluke because every time I've made chocolate chip cookies before they tasted hard. I don't mean even Chips Ahoy hard but rock hard nasty. These most recent cookies, however, turned out oh so heavenly soft yet chewy at the same time. I tried really hard not to eat them all by sharing them with my buddies, yet every time someone took one of them away from me, I mean graciously accepted my tasty gift I felt secretly resentful.
What did I do differently this time?
The big thing I did that I had never done with making cookie dough before was melt the butter. Yes that's right, I did not cream the butter at room temperature. Rather, I nuked the room temperature butter into a golden liquid lusciousness. Another thing I did was allow the eggs and all the other ingredients to sit out to room temperature. Usually I am too lazy, impatient, or unprepared to let the ingredients reach their optimal temperature for cookie dough ingredient goodness but this time I wanted to see if such a thing made a difference. Who knows, maybe it does and maybe it doesn't.The walnuts I added impromptu gave it a nice crunchy texture.
Finally, I did not skimp on the butter or sugar. Come on people! If you want to make a cookie, I am sorry but it cannot be also low-fat, low-calorie, or low-sugar. After making these cookies I am even more convinced that you are better off eating nothing rather than a half-assed cookie, which now in my opinion is not a cookie at all. One day I will try these methods again to see if I can reproduce the results. I will keep you posted. Enjoy the cookie porn. Too bad they are all gone.
How long it took: 45 min
How did it taste: infinity/10