Monday, February 23, 2009

What I made for to Eat Today

This blog is a chance for "ordinary" people to show off their culinary talents as well as culinary disasters.
I've only been bringing my lunch to work for roughly 4 months but my cooking has been evolving as I experiment in the kitchen. I envision a question and answer format for those who would like to submit their own photos of their lunch and other meals they make and the story behind it. The possibilities and potential for fun and cultural exchange are endless. Would a fourth grader's lunch really be that different from a college student's or a senior citizen? Do men and women make different kinds of lunches?

I've started us off with my "jap chae" dish (korean noodles).

Please email
and submit photos of your meals and answer the basic questions
1. What did you make?
2. How did you make it?
3. How did it taste? Would you make it again?
4. Additional comments

I will be posting new mela profiles as often as I get submissions!

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