Monday, April 20, 2009

Cultural Exchange

Thanks to Sara and Ola from Sweden and Nina from Germany

What did you make?
I recently had friends visiting NYC. On their last night they made a few dishes for me. The first is a greek yogurt with garlic. Cucumbers and red onions can be added and we ate this with crackers.
The main course was stir-fried chicken with roasted potatoes and vegetables. We also used the yogurt base for the chicken and vegetables.
How long did it take?
I'm estimating 45 minutes. The potatoes take longer than the other components of the meal.
How did it taste?
This was very tasty and simple. I would give it a 9 because it was also eaten with good company :) Roasted potatoes with some spices are very satisfying and it is hard to go wrong with chicken.

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