Monday, March 16, 2009

Breakfast for Dinner!

What did you make?

We had a few menu items.

First there was the yogurt apple cake (look to the "Life is Sweet" post for the recipe). I added some lemon juice and lemon pieces on the apples before adding some honey and then the rest of the batter.

I also found an interesting graham cracker recipe aka graham cracker goodness (found it that called for equal parts melted butter and sugar to be put on the cracker. Then chocolate was added and finally it was baked along with the cake until the butter and sugar hardened and chocolate melted.

We also made some crepes. I found the recipe online. I used 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of flour, and 3 tablespoons of butter.

Multigrain banana chocolate pancakes were also made.
We also had scrambled eggs and salad to balance out all the sugar.

How long did it take?
This took around an hour but it is hard to say since we ate as each dish was made. There was (somewhat) organized chaos in the kitchen.

How did it taste? Would you make it again?
It tasted great! It was truly a team effort to make these dishes. Sometimes it felt more like dessert than breakfast for dinner :) The graham cracker goodness was particularly different and the multigrain pancake mix from Trader Joes was also very delicious.

1 comment:

  1. DANG! I totally want to sample ALLLLLL the above when I go to NY to visit - esp the graham cracker goodness!!!!

